Water Purification

Reverse Osmosis (RO) Plants
Geetha Aqua Systems has a wealth of experience in manufacturing, erecting and commissioning a wide range of Reverse Osmosis Plants and RO Systems in Chennai.
While we have a wide range of pre-engineered and standard Reverse Osmosis (RO) Plants for homes and offices, we also design and manufacture large scale Reverse Osmosis (RO) Plants for commercial and industrial uses.
Our technical team analyses the raw water characteristics such as pH, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Hardness Content, Silt Density Index (SDI), Heavy Metals, Turbidity and Suspended Solids, BOD-COD Levels and other critical parameters, evaluates the site conditions and specific customer requirements before deciding on the specifications / plant configuration of the RO Plant. Even our standard units of RO Systems are selected / recommended based on key parameters of the feed water.
The efficacy, performance consistency and durability of a Reverse Osmosis (RO) Plant depend on the correctness of the design, pre-treatment and post-treatment modules, feed water temperature and key engineering factors such as Membrane Configuration, Permeate-Reject Ratio, Material of Construction besides complying with the prescribed usage, operational procedures and prompt preventive maintenance.